Dura-Shell is a durable two-part water-based aliphatic urethane that provides both heat and chemical resistance and excellent protection against UV rays
Dura-Shell is formulated with a high tolerance for moisture and excellent bonding strength, making it ideal for indoor / outdoor areas and light industrial projects.
- Superior resistance to shrinkage
- Superior resistance to water exposure, high humidity and temperature extremes
- Apply from 50° to 90°F
- High gloss or matte finish
- Chemical resistant
- Outstanding value
- Low odor
- Mixed VOC <50 g/L (per EPA Method 24)
- Interior / exterior applications
- Passes 140°F Hot Mug Test
- Graffiti resistant
- Passes 4H pencil hardness test
- For horizontal and vertical surfaces

✓ Food processing areas
✓ Bottling areas
✓ Sanitize / wash areas
✓ Cook / chill areas
✓ Amusement parks
✓ Clean rooms
✓ Refineries, chemical processing facilities
✓ Kitchens
✓ Prison floors
✓ Storage tank / pipeline exteriors