
The concrete floor in these breakrooms were covered with vinyl composition tile (VCT). Our customer wanted a refresh and a new look. But coating VCT can be challenging. Concrete Saver and Seal-Krete High Performance products proved to be the solution.

The job:

Break rooms in a distribution warehouse in Loxley, Alabama

What was the biggest challenge on this job?

Crews only had 36 hours to bring these areas back to service. They worked quickly to complete the job. The fast dry times on our products was the key to success.

What is the substrate?

Concrete covered with vinyl composition tile (VCT)

What products were used?

  • Concrete Saver Hard Surface Primer
  • Concrete Saver 6700 full chip
  • Seal-Krete High Performance Poly-Shell 7000 Gloss

Size of project in square feet:


Time to completion:

36 hours